Monday, November 28, 2011

My Apologies

Urg been a few months I know, sorry. Lifes been just one big question mark sitting on a iceberg. Had a birthday a few months ago, that was cool I survived another year :P My pup is still miles away, but soon, in the next weeks she will be reunited with me. Trying to get this blood pressure under control still, now up to five meds. And the dosages all upped. Stilll get sick from the lobatelol, hoping to be off that one soon, cause I cant take anymore of running to the toilet after consuming it.
No words on transplant yet, they are taking forever to do testing eeek!
Been  kinda lonely lately, friends kinda forgettin me, just because Im sick........
urg my head hurts...Im at dialysis........................ill talk later. nothin exciting anyway :P

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Sorry been very blah lately, no other way to put it, just happy I'm alive, but sad because majority of friends have deserted me, and It gets old being alone. Been sleeping way too much ,just cuz  theres nothing else to do. Celebrated my birthday a few weeks ago yay I made it another year lol. Was nice to have cake and coffee with mom and dad. Anyway, Ill write mote when I feel it. Sorry its been so long, there just nothing to report.