Thursday, June 28, 2012


Sometimes I dont want to write because my head is filled with so many thoughts. So many things and people wont understand. I mean how many people in my life time have I met that have been through even half of what I have? ...not very many lol. People cannot begin to comprehend, my thoughts, or feelings. 
I always seem to have a constant fight going on in my head,  fighting over whether I can keep up this perky act.  Yes I am a very optimistic woman and full of positive energy and what not. But then there's a part of me is like why me? why again do I have to be my own heroin in my story? I mean I know there is some reason that this is all happening. I just wish it wasnt.I mean how much more can one person take, especially only just reaching her twenty sixth year of life.Kidney disease is really serious, I really do not think people understand how much your kidneys effect your life. Last week I had a little too many potato chips, and my potassium shot out the roof, I could have seriously dropped dead, from eating a potato chip! If I was to stop going to dialysis I would probably die withing the week. Thats how scary this is. I know I look great most the time and have a beautiful attitude, and shelter everyone from how sick I feel sometimes. So I guess people do not really realize whats really going on.  I am not sure when it will all make a turn for the better,but somewhere in the future it is there. I just gotta keep trudging on. Picking myself up when I fall. Not sure where all these pieces connect in my life to make for a better..though I do know that all these "adventures" have made me more aware of what life really means.t. It's over a year now on dialysis and waiting for a kidney. And I am grateful to be alive. I wonder though when am I going to get that wonderful call? How much longer? I still have my chest cath, docs are surprised how long its lasted, and everyone keeps pushing to take it out and put a fistula in...I have been stalling that. Im hoping that transplant it around the corner and that there is no need to mess with my chest cath if there is nothing wrong with it.That potato chip incident last week was real bad...8.5 potassium, I decided to have a few potato chips havens had any all year..well had a few and few more and few more, and next could barely walk, nurse said I could have had a heart attack, and the dietitian said I could have dropped dead right there. So pray for me and pray I find a match, and not only for me pray everyone in there dying need gets what they need. 

 Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see Hebrews 11:1

Sunday, June 24, 2012

the sickness

Been getttin sick alot, lots on my mind, but have not wanted to spill my guts about it all just yet. Much love and prayer to all. Sending you good thoughts, please send good thoughts back <3

Saturday, June 02, 2012

5,400 people....

5,400 people are diagnosed every year with FSGS (focal segmental glomerulosclerosis) kidney disease. My brother and I were both diagnosed as we turned 13. FSGS there is no cure and they have no idea how it occurs. FSGS is very different in every case, some are diagnosed at an early age, some are able to be stable just on medications without going the route of transplant. 
In my brothers and my case we had no idea, it hit us like a wave, one day we were fine the next day I was near a stroke at  13. Doctors have not what causes FSGS and are working hard to improve treatment and find a cure for FSGS. 
Today my family and I walked a walk-a-thon with the local Nephcure chapter. Its so wonderful for people enduring similar situations to get together like that and  raise awareness and donations. 
My family walked together, sharing our story with others, our story usually shocks people because there are three of us that have had  transplant. My Aunt who donated a kidney to my brother, walked with us. The weather was so beautifully perfect for the walk. 
I did really well with walking about 2 miles, my energy was upbeat, course the minute we got home I zonked out for a cat nap :p We had a lil family BBQ after and enjoyed just being together. I really love spending time with my family it helps me cope really well with all the things I am going through. And next week we are all walking the National Kidney Foundation walk. 
Well my dialysis treatment is about over, so Ill bid you adieu. <3