Saturday, September 03, 2011

Chair Time

So here I am sittin in dialysis, thankfully Im only set for 2.5 hours. Got  wi-fi and my laptop, and dads sitting here with me. So time goes fast. So last few days whats been up. hmm. So Thursday I had a kidney doc appt, she adjusted my blood pressure meds a bit cause my blood pressure is still running high. Its gotten as high as 170 on the top bueno. Thats stroke level. So doc upped the meds a bit, and my phosphorus was high in my last lab, eatin a lil too much dairy my bad :(.  So high phosphorus in renal failure paitients is bad, the kidneys cannot remove phosphorus very well. High phosphorus levels can cause damage to your body. Extra phosphorus causes body changes that pull calcium out of your bones, making them weak. High phosphorus and calcium levels also lead to dangerous calcium deposits in blood vessels, lungs, eyes, and heart. So mine was a little on the high side this last lab check so the doc put me on phosphate binders the  medicine will help control the amount of phosphorus your body absorbs from the foods you eat.  So that should help keep my phosphorus levels in check. So that was that, and then run and grab so fast food, cheat the diet a lil :P, and hurry off to dialysis. So just hung with mom for a Thursday night of dialsysis. And my wonderful friend Jason, came to dialysis in the last 15min or so, and then he and I scurried off to hang out by then it was like 9, so yea day was already pretty long, but dialysis cant tire me out :P. We hurried of to do a bunch of nothing, it was just nice to hang out with a friend doing a bunch of nothing watchin lame late night tv
I definitely knocked out that night cuz I hadnt napped all day haha. I usually nap 45 around lunchtime. Friday was a sleep in day, and quiet calm boring day, nothing out of hte ordinary the blood pressure is still getting under control but they just changed the meds so cant expect it to change over night. Nothing else much on Friday night....was one those insomnia nights urg! Seriously it came 5:30 a.m and the Rocky my dog was ready to wake up and go outside. I finally dozed off on the couch this morning at around 7-9a.m lol. So Im running on no sleep but doin pretty goood :P I guess I'm just that happy and full of sunshine that it never lets me sleep :P jk.  
And so now here I am once again the famous chair, all this writing, now i'v got an hour and half left to go.  So I duno how many people read my blog, I feel like Im writing to space haha. So if ur read lemme know :P 

Its so dark outside and its only 7:40 at night. Gave  myself a manicure earlier, and sittin here listentin to some Katy Perry.  Feeling really good, not tired or sick, good job dialysis :). I'm not even really retaining fluid, well not enough to pulll it off. Least not today. But my pee output has gotten less and less. I know sound weird doest it? No peeing! Well the kidneys regulate ur fluid and make you pee and take all the toxins out of your body. So no kidney workin, no pee or very little. especially since I'm on dialysis, that i guess confuses the body, cuz dialysis takes the place of the kidney, so slowly as I stay on dialysis weeks and months, the kidney doesnt produce urine, but I still feel the urge to pee, but nothin, now that sucks :(. 

Hmm not much else to say at the moment, just love yourself, and others will love you, and if they dont, you dont need them. Life is extraordinary and you got way more in your path to dwell on negative things. 

God must have so bigger reason why he has done these things to me. He makes me stronger. <33

"I'm beautiful in my own way, God makes no mistakes" - Lady Gaga

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! that seems like a whole lot to bear for someone as young as yourself....i'll keep you in my prayer and hope that you get better...take care,and may GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY....
