Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Hotel Stanford"

So last week I was suddenly admitted to the hospital or as I call it "Hotel Stanford". All last week I had been having small body aches and pains, Monday it was my back, I contributed it to maybe I slept on my back wrong so I thought nothing of it. Then Tuesday my abdomen was also in pain, pain like someone had beat me up in my sleep, sore and achy. But I really couldnt think of anything I did differently in the past few days; then Wednesday I woke up and I was still achy but even to the point where my arms and legs and chest and every inch of me was achy and sore. So my mother told me to make an appointment with my general doctor for later that day. Well I got an appointment for later in the afternoon but I didnt even make it .........also that day my heartbeat was a little high when I woke up 120, but I did not really think anything of it becaue it has been that high during dialysis at times, and it just comes down......welll....around 10am I started to feel my heart racing so fast, I had never felt it as if it was going to leap out of my chest. I checked my blood pressure like I do constantly and the heartbeat had leveled up to 143. That not so good...I called my mother at work and told her that I probably needed to go to the ER. As shes driving me I can feel my heart getting faster and faster to the point now where its getting a lil hard to breath. We finally get to the ER they check my heartrate on their little machine and its now 165......suddenly panic set in to the nurses and doctors huddled in, everyone was trying to figure out why my heart was so fast. They even administered an IV medication to try and slow it down and this medication makes you feel like you are suffocating for at least a minute until the medication flows all through the body. They tried different doses of that medication three times and no they finally tired another medication and I was getting IV fluids and some more IV blood pressure medications because with all the excitement and my heart rate so high now my blood pressure was around 190..........and after all those meds it took a lil bit but it finally started slowing down, and I was able to regain my breath. ..............After getting all my medical history and all the little puzzle pieces the ER docs were able to think that it was all due to dialysis; and taking off way to much fluid lately. My little body was just so dried out that even my heart was working harder. They kept me overnight just for observation, I slept in a room with 4 other patient, blah. Had to take a heavy sleeping pill to knock out because my bed neighbor sounded like a motorcycle starting up all night lol, Woke up the next morning and all my aches and pains were gone, my heart rate was back to normal, I was feeling back to my usual. I can not believe that all that was due to basic dehydration from fluid pulled from dialysis. At least now I know the signs to look for. Just really goes to show how the body is all really connected. 
As usual I just get back on feet like it was no big deal, next day I started my big project for Valentines Day. I wanted to do something to give a little smile to all my fellow dialysis patients at the unit and to thank the staff for their care. So I baked cupcakes for everyone <3 Took a lot of energy out of me, had to take a nice long nap in the middle of the day lol. It was well worth it when I brought the goodies to dialysis the next day, most patients go to dialysis alone and just sleep it away. I have my parents by my side at all times, and they keep me company and happy. I just wanted to give other patients a little morsel of happiness :p                                                     Welll I think I am caught up on all the excitement in the past week. So doctors lowered my amount of fluid being taken off, hopefully that will help, maybe get back down to three days of dialysis a week? We will see. 

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