Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What a way to make someone depressed if you never were :P

So woke up at 6a.m as usually for blood pressure reading. And the magic number this morning was 140/100  blood pressure reading, getting high better take some labetalol, yuck thats the nastiest medicine I take right now, makes my  stomach icky, and I taste it all the way up to nose and it make me sneeze like crazy ug, but its one the ones that sees to bring it down. 140/100 is actually not that high for me, its beeen up in the 180s bleh. I check my blood pressure usually every two hours. Its noon now sitting eatin some lunch and listenin to my beloved My Chemical Romance, O how I love you Gerard Way hahah.
Blood pressure is now at 126/90.

So yesterday I had my big evaluation with the social worker, the doctor and the transplant nurse. The social worker came in with this list of lame questions, first general  who do you live with, are you married, children, medical history stuff. Then asks if we could talk in private since I had brought my mother with me. And so i was like I really don't care, whatever, I have nothing to hide. But the social worker insisted we speak alone. As soon as she led my mom out her first question was "is anyone forcing you to go through transplant process?"  i kinda laughed and told her "no" and then she asked "why do you want this?" I told her because I dont wanna be stuck on dialysis forever, thats no way to live. I got alot in life to do, then sit and sleep my life away in a dialysis chair." She kinda sat their stunned, and smiled "Iv never had a such a confident response before"  I laughed again "Iv been through transplant once before, I'm ready, so lets just do it ."
All the social workers questions were so negative, you would think she was sent in there to make me depressed. "Are you sad or upset because your on dialysis, and  your husband left you." lol geez lady, If I wasn't as confident am, I would have killed myself right there LOL.
So that was the social worker,. she just  wanted to make sure I wasn't a mental risk I guess, but still she was so negative couldn't ask questions in better way? I mean I get that she the social worker and she just doing her job. Making sure I'm emotionally stable to pursue this, but I respectfully think they could ask their questions in more positive nature.
Next came in the doctor, hes my docotor so hes awesome, and he thought the visit was pointless anyway haha cause he knows I'm ready, and because I have all those potential donors. So he just asked how I was feeling, I told him excellent I ran a four mile race two weeks ago." hahaha omg the look on his face was like uhhhh wtf, hahah  Then he did his little check up, and then the nurse came in, showed me way if I didn't have a donor. I was like i got 7 people who wanna be tested and maybe still more."  That was that, she sent me for more lab work and I was on my way. With the rest of my day :) Next week they alll gather and go over how they all felt about me, and decide if I'm a good candidate for the Transplant list. I got this I know it :PS

I might write more tonight, who knows. Its a dialysis night, so two and half hours to kill with mom. Love and LOTS of happy thoughts to all. Have a great rest of the day

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" 
— Audrey Hepburn

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